FELIWAY Cat Handling Programme

What is FELIWAY Cat Handling Programme?

What is FELIWAY Cat Handling Programme?

FELIWAY Cat Handling Programme is a unique video e-learning training about techniques of gentle cat handling in the vet clinic. The programme is created for vets and nurses by Ceva in partnership with International Cat Care. Some of the experts behind developing this programme are Cat behaviour expert Dr Sarah Ellis, feline veterinary Specialist Martha Cannon and ophthalmologist Dr Christine Heinrich. After you completed the programme your feline consultations will be smoother than ever, ensuring the best possible journey for cats in your clinic. After completing this course you earn 3 hour CPD credit.

How do I get started?

How do I get started?

Contact your local Ceva Representative and get your clinics unique access code. Then press Register below and register by filling in the form. Then you are all set to go! All clinic staff can register using the same unique clinic access code.

Contact your Ceva Representative

Contact your Ceva Representative:

Malene Bak Jørgensen, Jylland og Vestfyn
mobil: 78 70 98 36 email: malene.bak@ceva.com

Anne Sølvkær Norre, Sjælland, Øerne og Østfyn
mobil: 61 13 53 15 email: anne.soelvkaer@ceva.com